At the moment 36 Years old and based in Karlsruhe.
Working experience
10.22-Today | Consulting, Mentoring
Software development knowledge sharing in a purely scientific environment. Consulting the TECH and IT Teams, supporting the scientist in daily software development challenges. ROS1 to ROS2 migration, Python, CPython, C++, CI/CD, Code Quality, Pairing, Refactoring
03.23-Today | DevOps, Mini job
Modernising the infrastructure and configmanagement with Ansible/AWX and K3s. Technical support for the developers.
10.19-09.22 | Computer Vision and KI
Image computation, Object Detection with neural networks, person tracking, automation of inland container terminals. Python, C++, Ansible, KI frameworks (Keras, PyTorch, Darknet).
09.18-9.19 | Automotive Software
Automotive onboard applications. Javascript/Typescript.
09.16-08.18 | Core Avionics Hardware
Redundant flightcontroller, mesh testbench (HIL), climate tests, remote shutdown, octo-copter for flightcontroller software tests. Altium, Python.
03.12-04.16 | Embedded Hardware
Hardware development for the CNG industrie, CNG fuel stations, SPS controller, firmware for AVR, 8051, ARM Cortex M1 and process visualisations. C++, QT, Python, Eagle
2012-2017 | Server services, Kalt! Medien UG, Side Hustle
Small Hoster with own hardware in colocation for virtual maschines and managed services.
2009-2014 | Online community, Kaltmacher.de, Owner
Kaltmacher.de was one of the biggest communities for custom computer cooling, overclocking and modding.
Non-profit organization
from 2021 | Alte Hoelle e.V., Co-Founder
The objective of our group is to shape the future with solidarity and sustainability. We operate within the IT sector, in engineering professions, in social areas, and we are artists and craftspeople. We organize IT conferences, music events and much more throughout Germany. With our seminar venue we bundle our commitment at a central location with the involvement of the local community. The result is a sustainable, open space for encounters, crafts, digitization and art that promotes participation and knowledge exchange. alte-hoelle.de
2017 - 2019 | FabLab Karlsruhe e.V., 1. Vorstand
FabLabs (short for „fabrication laboratory“) are an world wide movement of open Workspaces for modern productions methods like 3d print, lasercutting, cnc milling. Open for everyone. fablab-karlsruhe.de
Toiletpaper is cheaper.
Impulsvortrag InnovationFestival @karlsruhe.digital
Achtung Mensch - Kranautomatisierung auf Binnenterminals
Kaffee oder Tee @SWR Fernsehen
No stream online - german television moves after $time shows into the non public archive
„Hightech für alle“ – David Bauer zu Gast bei SWR2 Tandem
No stream online - german radio moves after $time shows into the non public archive